
Tire width inspection

Measuring the tire profile width in extrusion lines

The dimensionCONTROL TWI 7303.I tire width inspection system is designed for profile width measurement in extrusion lines. This measuring system is based on camera vision technology involving two cameras inside one measurement box. These cameras are angle mounted to each other and operate according to stereo vision technology which enables high precision measurements in the whole calibration range.


  • Precise measurements in harsh environmental conditions (e.g. vibrations, unpredictable material movements on conveyor in material flow direction, in vertical directions or even combined)
  • Simultaneous measurement of two produced profiles
  • Automatic detection, measurement and profile evaluation
  • Visualization software offers database containing the measured profiles, recipes, tools for static processing and for export of different output formats

Material parameters:

Tire width from 350mm to 550mm

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